Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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DOS Batch File
520 lines
bat * Loading HELP and DOCUMENTATION .....
* Written 10/5/83 through 01/15/92
* (c) Copyright 1983 to 1992 by Seaware Corp. all rights reserved.
* This batch file REQUIRES EBL PLUS for proper execution!
**** NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! ****
RAM |* <-----Change 'RAM' to 'BIOS' if PC isn't 100% IBM Compatible!
if %G = .goto. then %G = | goto -%F
else %F =
else goto -line0
-header * Routine prints general purpose header for help text
stack.purge |* remove any pre-typed keystrokes.
%n = %i $ 1 ( %i # - 2 ) & . & ( %i $ ( %i # - 1 ) 2 ) |* extract section # from page #
color( white on black )
color( white on cyan )
window( 1, 1, 79, 3, Combo)
\%H Page \%n
\07 Press: PGDN for next page, PGUP for prev page, HOME for main menu.
color( white on black)
colorchar ~ as color(yellow on black)
window( 1, 5, 79, 25, Combo)
-scroll * Routine accepts key for scrolling help text
%e = 0
inkey %k
if %k = KEY("Ctrl-C") then goto -opt0
if %k = KEY(Esc) %i = 0 | goto -line0
if %k = KEY(Home) %i = 0 | goto -line0
if %k = KEY(Pgup) %i = %i - 1 | cls | %F = line%i | goto -%F
if %k = KEY(Pgdn) %i = %i + 1 | cls | %F = line%i | goto -%F
goto -scroll |* ignore any other key.
%e = 0
color white on black
cls begtype
\1F╔════════════════ BATDOC ═══════════════════╗\07 \17┌─────────────────────────┐\07
\1F║ Menu driven HELP and DOCUMENTATION. ║\07 \17│ User supported software │\07
\1F╙───────────────────────────────────────────╜\07 \17│ by │\07
\17│ │\07
\4fGENERAL:\07 \17│ Seaware Corp. │\07
\0e 1. Introduction and how to use this Help. \07 \17│ P.O. Box 1656 │\07
\0e 2. The user supported concept & ASP. \07 \17│ Delray Beach, FL 33444 │\07
\0e 3. BAT-BBS information. On-line users forum.\07 \17│ 407/738-1712 │\07
\0e 4. What EBL is... an introduction! \07 \17│ │\07
\0e 5. EBL PLUS: The inside story! \07 \17│ Order your registered │\07
\17│ copy for $79 + $3 s/h │\07
\4fThe EBL PLUS Language\07 \17│ from us directly or our │\07
\0e 6. Showing things on the display. \07 \17│ order line 800/634-8188 │\07
\0e 7. Reading data from users. \07 \17│ (MC/Visa welcome) │\07
\0e 8. Controlling program flow \07 \17│ │\07
\0e 9. Using the keyboard stack. \07 \17│ Please copy and share │\07
\0e 10. Sensing program's results. \07 \17│ BAT.COM, BATDOC.BAT, │\07
\0e 11. Assignment statements. \07 \17│ and BATDEMO.BAT for │\07
\0e 12. Debugging aids. \07 \17│ non-commercial uses │\07
\0e 13. Extended functions: \07 \17│ only. │\07
\0eConsole\07 \0eString\07 \0eSystem\07 \0eControl\07 \0eAdd-on\07 \17└─────────────────────────┘\07
\0e 14. Additional information. \07
\0e X. eXit. \07
Select the starting topic and press ─┘
%o =
if left(%F,3) = "opt" then field( ( ( %F $ 4 ) + 1 ) )
%A = Select( color( yellow ), color( black on white ))
if %R > 20 then goto -entry0
if %A = Enter then %F = "opt" & %R | goto -%F
if %A = ESC then goto -opt0
if Length(%A) > 1 then beep
goto -entry0
-opt20 ********** Display final EXIT window ***********
-opt0 color yellow on black |* Setup the window contents
type left(field(1, color(black on white)),51) |* change b/w colored bar to yellow
color white on blue
window( 18, 13, 48, 20)
type "Ready to leave on-line help!"
color Cyan on blue
type "Make selection & press ─┘"
colorchar . as color( yellow on blue)
type ". Exit . . Demo . .Return."
%A = "" | %F = ""
** Now actually do the bouncing bar menu **
-End1 type " Exit to DOS " | If %A = Enter then exit
-Endit %A = select( color( yellow on blue), color( black on white ), Arrow)
if %A = Esc then goto -line0
goto -End%R
-End2 type " Demonstrate other features" | If %A = Enter then stack "BATDEMO" |exit
else goto -endit
-End3 type " Return to on-line help " | If %A = Enter then goto -line0
else goto -endit
-line100 *************** Begin various chapters to show ****************
-opt1 %h = INTRODUCTION | %i = 100 | call -header
This program will provide you with help information on the use of
the EXTENDED BATCH LANGUAGE PLUS. It is designed to allow for
easy access and retrieval of information that would be harder to find
by more conventional means.
The information is broken up into multiple sections. Each section
may have several pages. To access each page in order, just keep
pressing the PGDN key. At the top of your screen is the name of the
section which you are in and the page number.
If you wish to directly enter another section now, press the ~HOME~
key to return to the main menu, enter the proper ~section number~ and
press the ~─┘~ key.
goto -scroll
-line101 call -header | begtype
While in any of these sections, there are just three keys needed:
PGDN - This key will advance to the next page of any section. If
there are no more pages in the section, then it will advance
to the next section.
PGUP - This key will back up to a previous page within a section.
If there are no more previous pages within a section, it
will backup to the previous section.
HOME or ESC - Either of these keys will return directly to the
main menu. From the menu, any section can be looked at
directly by entering the section number and pressing ─┘.
goto -scroll
-line199 %i = 102
-line102 call -header | begtype
There are several sections where you will be given questions and answers.
If you would like to peek and see answer without specifically answering it,
you can press the space bar to reveal the answer letter by letter.
One interesting facet you should know while using this on-line help
and documentation is that you are using the EXTENDED BATCH LANGUAGE
program to display and control these menus.
Never before has a batch language been so powerful on the IBM
personal computer as to be able to provide a facility like this. In
the following pages of description, we hope that you will see, as we
did, that this program has extraordinary capability which does much
more than just expand the capability of DOS. In fact, it gives new
power to your system by providing capabilities never before possible.
goto -scroll
-line103 %i = 200
-line200 %H = "The User Supported Concept & ASP" | call -header | begtype
╓─ ─╖
║ The license fee for Extended Batch Language-Plus is $79 + $3 s/h ║
║ ║
║ You are encouraged to copy and share BAT.COM, BATDOC.BAT, and ║
║ BATDEMO.BAT for non-commercial purposes only, however you must not ║
║ modify any of these files. You may use this software for evaluation ║
║ purposes only for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. ║
║ ║
║ In appreciation of your support, you will be provided with printed ║
║ documentation, examples, and samples of add-ons to the EBL language ║
║ (including source code). All registered users can also access the ║
║ BAT-BBS, a hot-line for assistance, tips, and updates. ║
║ ║
╙─ (c) Copyright 1982 through 1992 by Seaware Corp. ─╜
All rights reserved.
Seaware Corp. 407/738-1712
Post Office Box 1656 800/634-8188
Delray Beach, FL 33444
goto -scroll
-line201 call -header | begtype
When you register EBL-PLUS, you will receive:
■ A detailed users guide. This hardcopy manual has about 250 pages of
descriptions, examples, useful utilities, and
tips on this program's use.
■ The EBL-PLUS Diskette Containing the latest program version,
useful utilities, help files, and more examples.
■ Executive Menu Facility A batch file that makes other EBL programs,
to get started using EBL with zero effort.
■ 6 months of free support (generous extensions available)
o BAT-BBS An on-line forum for user's ideas, tips,
programs, and assistance.
o Technical Hotline Phone us if you experience problems.
o "The EBL User" Our Newsletter provides information, tips, and
and ideas on how to apply EBL-Plus to your needs.
goto -scroll
-line202 call -header | begtype
An Extended BBS support subscription is available for a nominal fee.
All users are invited to use the BAT-BBS, (See next section for more
information). Our users have signed on thousands of times and testified
that this service has helped make Extended Batch Language-PLUS one of their
best supported programs on their system.
The concept of excellent user support is buried deep in our roots. Much of
our philosophy was founded by Andrew Fugleman at Headlands Press, Inc. I
would like to thank Andrew for his inspiration and help. Because I feel
that good software should have someone standing behind it, we at Seaware
want to put your patronage directly into support for you as our thanks of
your support of us. You will find it well worth it.
Seaware Corp. ≡≡≡ Post Office Box 1656 ≡≡≡ Delray Beach, FL 33444
≡≡≡ 800/634-8188 ≡≡≡ 407/738-1712
goto -scroll
-line203 %H = "The User Supported Concept & ASP" |call -header | begtype
Seaware is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals, a
non-profit group dedicated to promoting the shareware concept
(try-before-you-buy software) as a unique marketing alternative to
traditional retail distribution. We agreed to do our best to handle
customer complaints when we joined ASP.
We're committed to solve your problems quickly, and to your liking. But
if you feel like you got the short end of the stick, you can take your
complaint to the ASP Ombudsman. We'll abide by the Ombudsman's final
decision on your matter, no matter what the outcome. You have our word
on it.
goto -scroll
-line299 %i = 204
-line204 %H = "ASP OMBUDSMAN STATEMENT" | call -header | begtype
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,
ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a
dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
support for members' products.
Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at:
ASP Ombudsman
545 Grover Road
Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP Ombudsman
goto -scroll
-line205 %i = 300
-line300 %H = "BAT - BBS" | call -header | begtype
One of the special services we provide to EBL PLUS users is through a
communication medium called "BAT-BBS". This is a direct link from you to
other users, as well as Seaware. If you have a modem, the BAT-BBS can be a
resource of information about Extended Batch Language-Plus.
o As a shareware user, you may call the BAT-BBS to learn more about
the capabilities of Extended Batch Language-Plus, get the latest
shareware version, and order Seaware products.
o As a registered user you will receive 6 free months of full BAT-BBS
access and support. The BAT-BBS is a resource of information, tips,
updates, and even the latest beta versions... all available when you
So check out the BAT-BBS at 407/738-1843. If you're already excited about
EBL-Plus, you can order it on-line! Or call 800/634-8188 to order by voice.
The following list shows the many things that BAT-BBS can provide . . .
goto -scroll
-line301 call -header | begtype
Registered users with a modem can....
* Receive program updates as soon as they are available!
* BAT-BBS is a hotline for your questions!
* Directly access our computer at Seaware via phone.
* It will be ready to give helpful ideas.
* Programs and Utilities are available to download.
* Users are welcome to upload their programs/ideas.
* Tips and techniques are on-line.
* Converse with other users and program author via
electronic mail.
goto -scroll
-line399 %i = 302
-line302 call -header | begtype
You can access the bulletin board service by using any 300 baud to 9600
baud modem with your computer. You can use the 8,N,1 protocol.
You will also need a communication program such as PROCOMM, CROSSTALK,
QMODEM, or SmartCom. Contact your local computer store if you need more
information or help with communication equipment or software.
Service is available 24 Hours a day. Full BBS access will be
supplied when you register.
goto -scroll
-line303 %i = 400
-line400 %H = "Introduction" | call -header | begtype
EBL is short for Extended Batch Language. EBL PLUS is a powerful
productivity tool for the IBM Personal Computer. It represents a
significant advance in providing a comprehensive yet easy to learn and use
facility for controlling tasks you give your computer. It can even give
you on-line documentation SUCH AS THIS!
EBL is a command programming language. It is a high level language that
can be used as a direct replacement or in conjunction with DOS batch files.
It can operate with IBM PC-DOS versions 2.0 through 5.x and OS/2 real
mode. Compared with standard PC-DOS batch files, EBL has superior control
structures, string handling, and user interfaces. It also has tracing
facilities, and is easy to learn and use. Many aspects of the language are
like BASIC. Users of VM/370 will also find it similar to EXEC2. It seems
that both "end users" and programmers find BAT a simple and effective
goto -scroll
-line401 call -header | begtype
With Extended Batch Language, you can have:
- Better control of messages to the screen
- Accept responses from the user and create responses to programs
- String handling operations (substring, length, etc.)
- Arithmetic expressions and assignments
- Comparisons and program return codes
- Search for files or tell if they exist
- Complete freedom to mix DOS and BAT commands within the same control file
Let's look at how it measures up to today's DOS......
goto -scroll
-line402 call -header | begtype
Function DOS 2.0 to 5.x Extended Batch Language-Plus
---------- -------------- ----------------------------
CALL/RTN Limited X
IF Limited X
String operations X
Assignments X
Global Variables X
Return Codes X X
Windows X
goto -scroll
-line403 call -header | begtype
As you can see from the previous chart, EBL PLUS has more
power and enhanced capabilities than any version of DOS!. This
program uses these capabilities to solve common problems for......
The system programmer - who needs to do long sequences of tasks between
linker, compilers, debuggers, and editors. He can now create an
intelligent link between these programs. For instance, he may wish to do a
link depending on if the previous compile was successful. He can also
respond automatically from a keyboard "stack" into various utilities.
The secretary - who has several types of tasks to perform (word
processing, accounting packages, etc) and requires a simple way of changing
from one type of task to another, perhaps with optional help text.
The student - who wishes to go from one game to another without having to
learn the system commands required to make each available.
Testers - who wish to automate long, boring tests and procedures on the
personal computer. An excellent tool for a manufacturing line.
goto -scroll
-line499 %i = 404
-line404 call -header | begtype
The effect of using EBL is to put "covers" on the programs and system
that it controls. In UNIX they call it shells, in VM they call it EXECs,
but to you it simply makes things friendly. Described in these pages is a
solution to batch files through the use of Extended Batch Language. A
friendly interface to you can now be easily created.
Once you have looked over the descriptions of each command, browse
through the BATDEMO.BAT file and look at the commands in operation. By
trying out some sample programs, you should be able to gain a full
understand of how to write some powerful batch files by using Extended
Batch Language.
Copyright (c) 1982 to 1992 by Seaware Corp. Program by
All Rights reserved by Seaware Corp. Frank Canova
goto -scroll
-line405 %i = 500
-line500 %H = "EBL PLUS: The inside story!" | call -header| begtype
We rewrote the book! Almost everything you could possible have is now
in Extended Batch Language-PLUS. We took time in getting everyone's
suggestions into it, and used very little memory in doing it.
* Menus are easy to create. Just use the "Executive Menu
Facility" to create customized menus the way YOU want to
see them. This automatic procedure, written in EBL,
will create a custom menu without ever having to know
any details about the EBL Language or batch files.
Using your PC couldn't be easier!
* Create the "Look-and-feel" of your choice. Colorful
windows that use bouncing bar selections, pop-ups, fill
in the blank fields, and action bars are easily created.
* Complete freedom with all variables. Strings can be up
to 255 characters mixed case, numbers to 19 digits. Use
EBL-Plus's English-like commands to integrate appli-
cations together, set up printers, or automate programs.
goto -scroll
-line501 call -header | begtype
* Extended functions give you additional power where you
need it. Intended for programmers needing special
capabilities, several types of functions are available:
DOS support (CHDIR, MKDIR, REBOOT), low level system
support (PEEK, POKE, INT86), string support (STRIP,
LOWER, UPPER), and MUCH more... all built into EBL-PLUS.
* Create your own Add-On functions to EBL. If you have
special ideas for the EBL language, you can create them
using MASM, C, Pascal, etc. The source code for
Seaware's add-on functions (written in Turbo Pascal and
MASM) is provided as an example to registered users. Our
samples show you how to reserve from 0 to 64K of memory
for "extended variables" that can have long descriptive
names and create arrays. And for floating point arith-
metic, just load the Turbo Pascal BCD Math add-on.
goto -scroll
-line599 %i = 502
-line502 call -header | begtype
* Full support for many more environments like PC Network,
TopView, Windows, DESQview and of course DOS 2 to DOS 5.
Now EBL Plus even supports OS/2 and 4DOS!
* File I/O is easy within EBL PLUS. Use it to setup
printers, keep configuration information, initialize
programs, or even create other batch files!
* Error recovery is now available within batch files! In
cases where an error is detected while the EBL batch
file is running, you can now include a routine to
recover gracefully from the problem.
goto -scroll
%e = %e + 1 | if %e > 2 then %L = ? | skip 5
if %R <> 6 then skip 7
%G = .goto.
color 8F | type "Loading part 2 ..."
bat *
bat beep type "ERROR! BATDOC2.BAT overlay is missing!" | exit
bat exit
Unexpected error \%S%R in line \%S%L !
This batch file was error free when it was distributed
by Seaware. An error indicates that it was most likely
modified by someone improperly. To get an updated demo
diskette send $7 to Seaware directly or call 800/634-8188
or 407/738-1712.
Seaware Corp.
Post Office Box 1656
Delray Beach, FL 33444
%G =
%E = 0
-end%R exit